A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Unfortunately we ran out of time and this game is in an unfinished state. We have decided to submit anyway so that we can show off the general idea even if it's not really that fun!

The game will also stop spawning crates after one minute which is kind of a serious bug! Oh dear ... I knew I shouldn't have shoe-horned in some code to increase the spawn-rate at the last minute :-/


Throw crates onto the red and green platforms to adjust their weight. Dodge falling crates and bombs to stay alive!


  • Move with WASD or arrow keys.
  • Jump with space bar.
  • Pickup and throw things with E or left mouse button.
  • Drop things with Q or right mouse button.


  • You can push the small boxes around by moving into them.
  • You can throw the bombs.
  • Boxes can crush you.
  • Use bombs to move the heavy boxes.
  • The red and green zones don't currently do anything - sorry!


  • Peter and Elliot - Jam Team (code and some original pixel art)
  • Kenney Sound Assets (Impact, Sci-Fi and Menu)
  • Kenney Platformer Tile Assets
  • Godot Game Engine
  • Background Music: Zane Little - Mom's Workout


scale_keeper_linux_x86_32.zip 30 MB
scale_keeper_linux_x86_64.zip 31 MB
scale_keeper_macos.zip 57 MB
scale_keeper_windows_x86_32.zip 36 MB
scale_keeper_windows_x86_64.zip 36 MB

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